Thursday, July 26, 2007

da new blog in color!

Hey everybody,

new post! Now we are in Calais, France. Next comes the boat to England. dum do do.
and now a blog.

doo doo im singing in green, doo doooo oooooooooooooooo...........
kjzsr hwgkleashglkauhwlgawdfggas.m,ndgfakljnsdg;lakjnsd;ogna;sdlkngadaidshugqoiuhwergphqierohgqnwergqr

bye! -ben

Monday, July 23, 2007

Hullo People.

today we are going the black Forest , and then we will meet our freinds in Deven, England.
they are building a cob house.

and now Famous Quotes.

"lasers race cars jet planes, doo doo, doo doo."

"you're trying to kill my men? well two can play at that game!"
General Kurzog.

"Ahh! whoa whats happening? who am I?
-falling whale.

"Grow food from dirt? Save time, eat dirt."
Goblin Gardener.

And that is all for Famous Quotes join next time for a interveiw.


Sunday, July 22, 2007


some spammer left me a comment! If anyone knows a Kaligirlio19 please arrest it!

oh are you still here? I soppose I should write a blog. here goes.

Today we sit down with super hero "No-Drama Queen". 2 answers, too many asking!

benblog:what are your super powers?

no-drama queen: I can suck the drama out of situations.this uh... can lead to marterdom and inconviencence to myself, but most often it just it makes me a bad story teller, 'couse i suck th drama out of stories.

bb:if you only could have one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

ndq: Popcorn with just a little bit of salt on it. It is the one drama I like, as it happens vary quickly , all at once , and then you can eat the result.

bb: Thank you for comeing.

ndq: It was nothing.

bb: Did I just here all the drama suck out of the room?

Friday, July 20, 2007

NEW post!

Here's a nice movie. hope you like it.

Yay! I have my own blog! now I would say somefink useful if I had somefink to say. I am sort of sad aren't I? Sigh.
