Sunday, July 22, 2007


some spammer left me a comment! If anyone knows a Kaligirlio19 please arrest it!

oh are you still here? I soppose I should write a blog. here goes.

Today we sit down with super hero "No-Drama Queen". 2 answers, too many asking!

benblog:what are your super powers?

no-drama queen: I can suck the drama out of situations.this uh... can lead to marterdom and inconviencence to myself, but most often it just it makes me a bad story teller, 'couse i suck th drama out of stories.

bb:if you only could have one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

ndq: Popcorn with just a little bit of salt on it. It is the one drama I like, as it happens vary quickly , all at once , and then you can eat the result.

bb: Thank you for comeing.

ndq: It was nothing.

bb: Did I just here all the drama suck out of the room?

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